Conference Presentations

Productivity and Growth Over the Years at BPEA
(Presented at BPEA 50th Anniversary Panel | Zoomland | March 25, 2021)

Will Robots and AI Revolutionize Productivity Growth?
(Presented at Global AI and Economy Conference | Tokyo | March 01, 2021)

Panelist Comments: Measuring the New Economy
(Presented at Luohan Academy | Virtual Conference | September 09, 2020)

Potential Output: Its Recent Behavior and Future Growth
(Presented at Western Economic Association Conference | San Francisco, CA | July 01, 2019)

Monetary Tools, Financial Reforms, and the Next Financial Crisis
(Presented at Global Economics Conference | Arlington, VA | July 20, 2018)

Slowing American Growth Despite Ongoing Innovation
(Presented at Carroll School, Boston College | Boston, MA | June 7, 2018)

The Future of the US Economy
(Presented at Northwestern University Undergraduate Economics Society | Evanston, IL | March 1, 2018)

AI and Employment: Misplaced Fears
(Presented at MIT Conference on AI and the Future of Work | Cambridge, MA | November 2, 2017)

The Past and Future of American Economic Growth
(Presented at Baker Institute, Rice University | Houston, TX | September 21, 2017)

The U.S. Economic Outlook: Upside and Risks
(Ottawa Economic Association | Ottawa, Canada | September 14, 2017)

The Past and Future of American Economic Growth
(Presented at The New School | New York City | April 25, 2017)

Secular Stagnation: A Supply-Side View
(Presented at Conference on Secular Stagnation and Growth Measurement | Paris, France | January 16, 2017)

The Rise and Fall of American Growth
(Presented at the International Monetary Fund Open Forum | Washington, D.C. | July 7, 2016)

The Current Growth Slowdown from the Perspective of the Special Century
(Presented at the London School of Economics | London | May 11, 2016)

Perspectives on Future Inflation
(Presented at the Macro Advisers Outlook Conference | New York City | March 24, 2016)

Major Themes in the Slowing of Economic Growth
(Presented at the CUNY Conversation with Paul Krugman | New York City | March 4, 2016)

The Sources of Slowing Growth in Productivity Growth and Potential Output
(Presented at Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum | Philadelphia, PA | December 4, 2015)

Secular Stagnation on the Supply Side: U.S. Productivity Growth in the Short and Long Run
(Presented at Bank of Canada and ECB Conference on the Underwhelming Global Post-Crisis Growth Performance | Ottawa, Canada | June 8, 2015)

Secular Stagnation: A Supply-Side View
(Presented at AEA Meetings | Boston, MA | January 3, 2015)

The Future of Innovation
(Presented at Conference on The Future of U.S. Economic Growth | CATO Institute | December 4, 2014)

The Interplay Among Inflation, Productivity, and Potential Real GDP
(Presented at Seminar, Council of Economic Advisers | Washington | November 14, 2014)

How Inflation Behavior Helps In the Estimation of Potential Real GDP
(Presented at Conference European and American Labor Markets in the Crisis | Paris, France | November 7, 2014)

The Demise of U.S. Economic Growth: The Fifth Debate with Joel Mokyr
(Presented at OECD/NBER Conference | Paris, France | September 25, 2014)

The End of U. S. Economic Growth Has Already Happened
(Presented at ISI Conference | New York City, NY | September 19, 2014)

Is Inflation Still Related to Unemployment?
(Presented at 18th Annual Barclay’s Global Inflation-Linked Conference | New York | June 23, 2014)

Future U.S. Economic Growth: Can Innovation Save Us from the Headwinds?
(Presented to Rimrock 2014 Global Economic Summit | Laguna Beach, CA | May 15, 2014)

The Inexorable Forces Reducing U.S. Economic Growth
(Presented at AAAS Meetings | Chicago, IL | February 15, 2014)

Reflections on the ‘End of Growth’ and on David Gordon’s ‘Big Stick’ Explanation of Stagnat Real Wages
(Presented at Irene and Bernard L Schwartz Lecture | New York | October 25, 2013)

Inflation, the NAIRU, Potential Output and Productivity Growth During the Slow Recovery
(Presented to NBER Session at NABE Meetings | San Francisco, CA | September 8, 2013)

Comments For Policy Session
(Presented to AEA Meetings | San Diego, CA | January 5, 2013)

Challenges and Barriers to the Recovery
(Presented at San Diego ASSA Meetings | San Diego, CA | January 4, 2013)

Is US Economic Growth Over? Controversy and Implications
(Presented at UBS European Conference | London, UK | November 13, 2012)

The End of Economic Growth and What To Do About It (The Key Problems, and a Menu of Solutions)
(Presented to Northwestern Continuing Education | Evanston, IL | October 16, 2012)

The Future of the Airline Industry: Viewing the Future via the Past
(Presented at Conference on the Economics of the Airline Industry, Brookings Institute | Washington, D.C. | May 11, 2012)

Is U. S. Economic Growth Over? Lessons from the Long 20th Century
(Presented at EPS Dinner | Chicago, IL | January 7, 2012)

Why Does Productivity Growth Differ Across the Atlantic?
(Presented at DNB/IMF Conference ‘Explaining and Improving Productivity: The Nordic Experience in an International Perspective’ | Copenhagen, Denmark | September 23, 2011)

The Evolution of Okun’s Law and of Cyclical Productivity Fluctuations in the United States vs. Europe
(Presented at EES/IAB Workshop on Labor Market Institutions and the Macroeconomy | Nuremberg, Germany | June 17-18, 2011)

Is Manufacturing in the EU Disappearing and Does It Need Policy Intervention?
(Presented at Aspen Institute Italia | Milan, Italy | May 9, 2011)

Productivity Growth in the U. S. and Europe: Past, Present, and Future
(Presented at IMF Institute | Washington, D.C. | April 25, 2011)

Observations on Airline Alliances and Joint Ventures
(Presented at BAC Meeting, Air Symposium, Transportation Meeting | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | April 5, 2011)

The Recession and Recovery: Implications for Labor Markets and Macro Doctrine
(Presented at AEA Panel | Denver, CO | January 7, 2011)

Controversial Issues About the Recession and Recovery
(Presented at NU Sandhouse Gang | Chicago, IL | December 9, 2010)

Shocks and Propagation in Traditional and Modern Macro
(Presented at Round Table ‘Where Do We Stand?’ Cournot Center Conference, What’s Right With Macroeconomics? | Paris, France | December 2-3, 2010)

Price Index Bias in the 20th Century for the United States: Understanding Economic Growth
(Presented at Maddison Memorial Conference | Amsterdam, Netherlands | November 6, 2010)

The Demise of Okun’s Law and of Procyclical Fluctuations in Conventional and Unconventional Measures of Productivity
(Presented at CREI-CPR Workshop on Changes in Labor Market Dynamics CREI | Barcelona, Spain | November 5, 2010)

Controversial Issues About the Recession and Recovery
(Presented at CIRET Conference | New York City | October 14, 2010)

Lifting the Veil: The American Standard of Living Since the Civil War: Portions of Two Chapters
(Presented at Cornucopia Quantified Conference | Barcelona, Spain | May 21-22, 2010)

The End of the Great Depression 1939-41: VAR Insight on Policy Contributions and Fiscal Multiplier
(With Robert Krenn | Presented at the All-UC Group in Economic History | Berkeley, CA | April 30, 2010)

The Iconoclastic Economist: John Maynard Keynes and the Bloomsbury Group
(With Lynne Kiesling | Presented at Block Gallery discussion | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | February 2010)

Charts Related to Labor Market Developments
(Presented at CBO Advisers Meeting | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | November 13, 2009)

The End of the Great Depression: VAR Insight on the Roles of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
(With Robert Krenn | Presented at Northwestern Macro Workshop | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | September 28, 2009)

An Anatomy of Jobless Recoveries: Will Employment Lag as It Did in 2001-2003? If Not, Why Not?
(Presented at Joint Luncheon of Society of Government Economists and National Economists Club | Washington, DC | September 10, 2009)

American Debates on the Sources of Business Cycle Fluctuations
(Presented at International Colloquium on the History of Economic Thought | Sao Paulo, Brazil | August 3, 2009)

Rising American Inequality: New Facts and Interpretations
(Presented at ASSA Meetings | San Francisco, CA | January 3, 2009)

The Slowest Potential Output Growth in U. S. History: Measurement and Interpretation
(Presented at CSIP Symposium on ‘The Outlook for Future Productivity Growth’ | San Francisco, CA | November 14, 2008)

Observations on Recent Productivity Developments in the US, EU, and China
(Presented at Seventh Macroeconomic Policy Research Workshop on Productivity, Trade and Development | Budapest, Hungary | October 31, 2008)

Going Beyond the BCDC Indicators: Can the Economy Avoid a Recession?
(Presented at NBER Board of Directors, BCDC Panel | Cambridge, MA | September 8, 2008)

The History of the Phillips Curve: An American Perspective
(Presented at ESAM 2008 | Wellington, New Zealand | July 9, 2008)

Do Labour Market Changes Explain the Slowdown in European Productivity Growth?
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at HM Treasury | March 18, 2008)

Issues in the Comparison of Welfare Between Europe and the United States
(Presented at Fourth Annual DG ECFIN Research Conference | Brussels, Belgium | October 12, 2007)

The Role of Labour Market Changes in the Slowdown of European Productivity Growth
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at Macro Workshop | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | September 24, 2007)

Unsettled Issues in the Rise of American Inequality
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at Brookings Panel on Economic Activity | Washington, DC | September 7, 2007)

League Table of Authors and Discussants, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1970-2007
(Presented at Brookings Panel on Economic Activity | Washington, DC | September 7, 2007)
Note: downloadable file in excel spreadsheet format

Tribute to William Brainard, George Perry, and 38 years of the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity
(Presented at Brookings Institution | Washington, DC | September 6, 2007)

Unsettled Issues in the Rise of American Inequality
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at Conference on Europe’s New Social Reality: The Winner Takes it All? | Brussels, Belgium | June 21, 2007)

Welfare, Employment, Productivity, and Policy Issues in the Comparison of Europe and the United States
(Presented at IMF Institute | Washington, DC | May 21, 2007)

Unsettled Issues in the Rise of American Inequality
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Summary for Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods, Social Security Administration | Washington DC | May 18, 2007)

Ned Phelps Viewed from Today through My Personal Filter
(Presented at OFCE | Paris, France | April 26, 2007)

Europe’s Productivity Growth Slumps But Employment Surges
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at Sciences-Po and OFCE | Paris, France | April 24, 2007)

Productivity and Related Economic Assumptions for the 2007 TPAM Report
(Presented at Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods, Social Security Administration | Washington, DC | April 20, 2007)

Unsettled Issues in the Rise of American Inequality
(Presented at Realistic Growth Policy for Our Times: A Conference in Memory of David Gordon New School | New York | April 13, 2007)

Was the Post-1995 Productivity Growth Upsurge a Will-o’-the Wisp?
(Productivity Panel, Presented at Productivity Program Meetings | Cambridge, MA | March 9, 2007)

Productivity Growth and the Distribution of Income: Results and Explanations
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at Speakers’ Series, Department of Finance | Ottawa, Canada | February 16, 2007)

Unresolved Issues in the Rise of American Inequality
(Presented at AEA Session, Taxes and Income Distribution | Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL | January 7, 2007)

The U. S. Productivity Growth ‘Explosion’:.Dimensions, Causes, Consequences, Aftermath
(Presented at NABE 48th Annual Meeting,NBER Session | Copley Place Marriott, Boston, MA | September 11, 2006)

The Slowdown in European Productivity Growth: A Tale of Tigers, Tortoises, and Textbook Labor Economics
(With Ian Dew-Becker | Presented at NBER Summer Institute Macroeconomics and Productivity Workshop | July 20, 2006)

Issues in the Comparison of Welfare Between Europe and the United States
(Presented at Venice Summer Institute, C&S and CESifo, Joint Conference on the Performance of the Continents’ Economies | Venice International University, San Servolo, Italy | June 21, 2006 & Presented at NAPW IV Conference | NYU Stern School, New York City | June 28, 2006)

The Boskin Commission One Decade Later
(Presented at AEA Meetings | Boston, MA | January 7, 2006)

Why Did Europe’s Productivity Growth Catch-up Sputter Out? A Tale of Tigers and Tortoises
(Presented at FRBSF/CSIP Conference | San Francisco, CA | November 18, 2005)

How Could the BEA Communicate Better?
(Presented at BEA Advisory Committee Panel | Washington | November 4, 2005)

An Economist Views Journalists as they Write about Economics
(Presented at Co-Sponsored Medill School of Journalism Washington Area NU Alumni Club Forum National Press Club | Washington | November 3, 2005)

Why Was Europe Left at the Station When America’s Productivity Locomotive Departed?
(Presented at ATP Investment Summit | Copenhagen, Denmark | October 10, 2005 & Presented at Berkeley-Vienna Conference | Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA | September 12, 2005)

What Caused the Decline in U. S. Business Cycle Volatility?
(Presented at Reserve Bank of Australia, July 11, 2005)

The Future of Social Security and Medical Care in the U.S.
(Presented at Conference on Bank Structure and Competition | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago | May 6, 2005)

Two Centuries of Economic Growth: Europe Chasing the American Frontier
(Presented at MIT Macro Seminar | April 26, 2005)

Understanding Economic Growth, Session #1, Rich vs. Poor Countries
(Presented for IMF | April 15, 2005)

How Long Can the Business Expansion Continue?
(Presented at BAC Meeting | Northwestern, Evanston, IL | April 7, 2005)

Europe’s Standard of Living vs. the U. S.: Facts, History, and Diagnosis
(Presented at Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University | February 28, 2005 )

Learning from the Past to Invest for the Future
(Presented at Northwestern Nugget Club | February 13, 2005)

Productivity Growth in the US and EU: Possible Lessons for India?
(Presented at Sixth Annual NBER-NCAER Neemrana Conference | January 17, 2005)

The 2004 American Election: Econometrics, Economics, Politics, and Culture
(Presented at OFCE/Sciences Po | Paris, France | December 16, 2004)

The Future of Social Security and Medical Care in the U. S.
(Presented at OFCE | Paris, France | December 15, 2004 )

Why Was Europe Left at the Station when the American Productivity Locomotive Departed?
(Talk at Industry Canada | Ottawa, Canada | November 19, 2004)

Economics for the Election Year
(Presented at Evanston Rotary Club | October 26, 2004)

Why Was Europe Left at the Station when the American Productivity Locomotive Departed?
(Lunchtime Speech at Illinois Economics Association, 34th Annual Meeting | UIC | October 15, 2004)

Productivity Growth: Concepts, Causes, and the Diverging U. S. Performance
(Presented at Advanced Workshop for Central Bankers | Northwestern, Evanston, IL | September 28, 2004)

Panel Discussion on Hedonic Price Indexes
(Presented at CRIW Conference on Price Index Concepts and Measurement | Vancouver, Canada | June 28, 2004)

Missing Emphasis in Discussions of the European Productivity Setback
(Presented at Productivity, Innovation and Value Creation Conference | Amsterdam Airport, Dorint Sofitel | 22-23 June 2004)

The Importance of Competition for Growth and Consumer Welfare
(Presented at European Competition Day | Dublin, Ireland | April 29, 2004)

Understanding Economic Performance in Europe vs. the United States
(Presented at Institute for International Economics | Washington, DC | April 15, 2004)

Network Hubs vs. Point-to-Point, Is There a Problem?
(Presented at Airline Economics Seminar | April 7, 2004)

Productivity and Economic Growth in the Election Year and Beyond
(Presented at Vanguard | March 15, 2004)

Panel Discussion on Hedonic Price Indexes
(Presented at CRIW Conference on Price Index Concepts and Measurement | Vancouver, Canada | June 28, 2004)

Panel Discussion on Housing Prices
(Presented at Conference on Prices, Productivity and Growth | Madrid, Spain | October 17, 2003)

Thinking about Zvi
(Delievered to CRIW audience | Bethesda MD | September 20, 2003)

Issues in the Interpretation of the Productivity Boom and IT Investment Slump
(Presented at Productivity Workshop Royal Netherlands Embassy | Washington DC | September 18, 2003)

Zvi and Hedonic Price Indexes
(Presented at Zvi Conference | Paris, France | August 25, 2003)

U.S. Economic Growth: Looking Far Into the Future
(Presented at International Conference on Growth Engines for Korea | July 24, 2003)

The Imminent U. S. Boom and its Implications for the Global Economy
(Prepared for the Korean Standards Association Conference | Cheju, Korea | July 23, 2003)

The Mainstream Model of U.S. Inflation Dynamics: Explaining the Past and Addressing the Future
(Presented at Meeting of Economic Advisors | Chicago Fed | June 16, 2003)

Issues in Productivity Performance, U. S. vs. Europe
(Presented at Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods, Social Security Advisory Board | Washington D.C., | April 11, 2003)

Did the Phillips Curve Survive the Boom of the 1990s?
(Presented at AEA Session | Washington DC | January 3, 2003)

The Unsustainable New Economy Boom and its Lessons for the next Economic Expansion
(Prepared for the Seminar at OFCE | Paris, France | December 3, 2002)

Unsustainable Elements in the New Economy: Will a Future Economic Expansion Ever Match the Euphoria of the late 1990s?
(Presented at the NABE 44th Annual Meeting | Capital Hilton, Washington DC | September 30, 2002)

Saving and Investment in the Rise and Fall of the New Economy
(Keynote address at 2002 Forum Risparmio (Transcript Only) | Milan, Italy | January 23, 2002)

Five Controversial Propositions About the U.S. Economy
(presented at the European Central Bank, Visiting Speaker Series | Frankfurt, Germany | April 17, 2001)

Panel Discussion on the New Economy
(presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association (AEA) | New Orleans, LA | January 6, 2001)

Explaining the U. S. Economic Miracle
(Presented at OECD Jobs Conference | Helsinki | January 27, 2000)

Reflections on Pin Factory Visits
(Discussant Comments presented at AEA Meetings | Boston, MA | January 9, 2000)

Hubs and Routes Since Deregulation: How Did We Get from There to Here?
(Presented at George Washington University, Aviation Institute Seminar on Airline Economics | Loudoun Campus, Ashburn, VA | December 9-10, 1998)