Middle Period, 1996-2010 (249 photos)
Photos can be accessed by clicking on any of these four groups. Within each group, you can click on individual photos, or click your way through a progressive slide show allowing each of the photos within the group to be viewed in quick succession. Each photo is labelled with the location, the approximate date, and the name(s) of the person(s) in the photo.
Release of the Boskin Commission report, Dec 4, 1996
Being made-up for Lehrer News Hour
Committee members: RJG, Dale Jorgenson, Michael Boskin, Ellen Dulberger, Zvi Griliches
Four of us listen to Chairman Boskin speak
Introductions by Senators William Roth and Daniel Moynihan
On Lehrer set with Dean Baker (Left), Paul Solmon (right)
NBER Summer Institute July 2001
Phelps Festschrift October 2001
Bob Solow at age 77
George Perry and Chris Sims
Ned Phelps Congratulates Paul Samuelson (with Joe Stiglitz)
Ned Phelps
Paul Romer
Paul Samuelson at age 85
Samuelson giving speech (with Stiglitz looking on)
Brookings Panel Senior Advisers’ Meeting, April 4, 2002
Farewell Party for Joe Altonji, Evanston, August 4, 2002
Joe Altonji
Joel Horowitz and Chuck Manski
Rob Porter and his son James
Rob Porter
Milton Friedman’s 90th Birthday Conference, Univ. of Chicago, November 2002
Alan Meltzer and Lars Hansen
Bob Lucas and Alan Meltzer
Coffee Break Interview with Milton (Rose looking on)
Deidre McCloskey
Dinner in the Faculty Club
Gary Becker and Costas Meghir
Jacob Frenkel
Jim Heckman
Lars Hansen Introduces Costas Meghir
Rose and Gary Becker
NBER Summer Institute July 2002
Ben and Barbara Friedman
Eric Bartelsman and Erik Brynjolfsson
Erwin Diewert, Eric Bartelsman, Ana Azcorbe, Carol Corrado, and Marshall Reinsdorf
Final Brookings Workshop on Productivity in the Services, November 21, 2003
Barry Bosworth and Jack Triplett, project leaders
Brent Moulton
Erik Brynjolfsson, Kevin Stiroh, and Bob McGuckin
Mike Harper, Chief of Productivity Research, BLS
Robert Summers (father of Larry Summers, brother of Paul Samuelson)
Steve Landefeld, director of the BEA
The Brookings Meeting Room (also home of BPEA)
Walter Oi
Business Cycle Dating Committee Meeting, Cambridge, July 16, 2003
Davos January 2003
March, October 2003
Bob Hall and Susan Woodward at home
Bob Hall’s famous photo-clad reprint boxes
Memorial Dinner for Rudi Dornbusch, Cambridge, July 14, 2003
Wall of photos in memory of Rudi
Wall of photos in memory of Rudi 2
EEA-ESEM, CEPR Reception, Madrid, August 2004
Andy Postlewaite and Eric Maskin
Asher Wolinsky, Paul Milgrom, Eddie Dekel
Eddie Dekel and Andreu Mas-Colell
Julie Gordon and Richard Portes
EEA-ESEM, Scientific Sessions, Madrid, August 2004
Ariel Rubinstein
Ariel Rubinstein’s ESEM Presidential Address (blurry from back of the hall)
NBER Summer Institute, July-August, 2004
Christina Wang, Susanto Basu, Carol Corrado, Erik Brynjolfsson, Martha Pavlakis
Clambake, August 3, Marty Feldstein and Steve Goss (Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration)
Steve Goss and Steve Zeldes
Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, Washington, September 8-9, 2005
RJG surrounded by textbook kings Greg Mankiw and Alan Blinder, with Ian Dew-Becker on the left
Conference: Celebrating Paul Samuelson’s 90th Birthday, Boston, May 15, 2005
A pensive Frank Fisher
Alan Blinder and William Brainard
Amartya Sen and Daron Acemoglu
Annie Hall, newly minted econ Ph.D. and famous father Bob
Assar Lindbeck, Olivier Blanchard, and Stan Fischer
Avinash Dixit
Bengt Holmstrom, Head, Department of Economics at MIT
Bob Solow’s tribute
Bobbie and Bob Solow
Conference dinner venue, ballroom of Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel, built in 1912
Dale Jorgenson
Daron Acemoglu (Clark medalist 2005)
Dick Schmalensee
Eytan Sheshinski and Peter Diamond
Jerry Hausman and Diane Schmalensee
Jim Poterba
Kate Feldstein and Rhoda Fischer
Larry Kotlikoff
Larry Summers and Susan Hockfield
Marty Feldstein and Assar Lindbeck
Orley Ashenfelter
Paul Samuelson’s concluding speech
Peter Temin
Rachel McCulloch, Gary Chamberlain, and Dale Jorgenson
Richard Sutch
Robert Mundell
Susan Hockfield (President of MIT) and Paul Samuelson
T. N. Srinivasan
Textbook rivals Greg Mankiw and Alan Blinder
Fed Conference on Quantitative Evidence on Price Determination, Washington, September 29-30, 2005
Bob Lucas
Chris Sims and Greg Mankiw in silhouette at cocktail reception on balcony
Chris Sims
Greg Mankiw listens
Mike Woodford
Stan Fischer speaks while Bob Hall (back of head) and Bob Lucas listen
Stan Fischer
NBER Trip to India, January 12-18, 2005
Angus Deaton and Rob Feenstra (Lunch at N.K. Singh House, Delhi, Jan. 15)
AnneKrueger, Kirit Parikh, RJG, Graham Ellison, Graham Ingram, MartyFeldstein, and N.K. Singh (Lunch at N.K. Singh House, Delhi, Jan 15)
Ken Rogoff and Anne Krueger (Conference Coffee Break, Jan. 17)
Marty and Kate Feldstein (dinner at Neemrana, Jan. 17, grainy photo taken with camera-phone)
Marty Feldstein and N. K. Singh, the host (Lunch at N.K. Singh House, Delhi, Jan 15)
Marty Feldstein in the Neemrana lunch buffet line (Jan. 17)
Mihir Desai, Rob Feenstra, Ann Harrison, RJG (Wipro Campus, Bangalore, Jan. 12)
Natasha and Ken Rogoff, Graham Ingram, Anne Krueger, Marty and Kate Feldstein (Infosys in Bangalore, Jan. 12)
NBER-NCAER Conference Session 4, morning of Jan. 17 (Neemrana Fort-Palace Hotel Conference Room)
Rich Clarida and Rob Feenstra (Lunch at N.K. Singh House, Delhi, Jan 15)
Rich Clarida, Natasha and Ken Rogoff (Conference Coffee Break, Jan 17)
RichClarida, Mihir Desai, Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Scindia, Suman Bery, KenRogoff (lunch table with the Honorable Chief Minister of Rajasthan,Jan. 18)
RJG in Sikh headdress and bare feet (both required at Sikh Temple, Delhi, Jan. 14
Retirement Dinner for Marcus Alexis and Leon Moses, Allen Center, Evanston, May 21, 2005
Bev and Dale Mortensen
Bob and Margery Coen
Chris Taber and Rob Porter
Dale Mortensen, Darius Gaskins, and Don Jacobs
Dale Mortensen’s tribute
Don Jacobs’ tribute
Gerri and Marcus Alexis
Ian Savage and Sandy Siepka
Julie Gordon and Mark Witte
Larry Christiano and Martha Hellander
Lauren Pachman and Mark Satterthwaite
Leon Moses’ response (he’s age 81)
Marcus Alexis’ response
Rae and Leon Moses
Rob Porter’s tribute
Ron and Jan Braeutigam
Scott Stern and Sandy Fazio
Shane Greenstein and Rob Porter
Stan Reiter and John Ledyard
San Francisco Fed Conference on Productivity, November 17-19, 2005
Solow Tribute Dinner, Philadelphia, January 8, 2005
Alan and Madeline Blinder
Allen and Lee Sinai and Bob Solow
Beverly and Dan McFadden
Bob Solow’s Final Thoughts on Growth Theory, 1
Bob Solow’s Final Thoughts on Growth Theory, 2
George Akerlof, RJG, and Bob Hall
Jeff Frankel and George Akerlof
Larry Klein (age 84)
Marianne and Rob Engle
Paul Krugman listens impishly
Paul Krugman speaks
Peter Diamond and Olivier Blanchard
Ray Fair, Matt Shapiro, and George Perry
Stan and Rhoda Fischer
Stan Fischer
Conference: NBER Macro research meeting Sept. 29, 2006
The imposing conference room of the NY Fed
Conference: NBER Summer Institute, CRIW Workshop, July 18, 2006
Bart van Ark
Erik Brynjolfsson and Ana Azcorbe
Ernie Berndt
Erwin Diewert and Jack Triplett
John Greenlees (head of the CPI)
Conference: Venice International Seminar, Dinner at Peggy Guggenheim Museum, July 21, 2006
Conference Attendees
Ed Prescott, Nobel prize 2004
Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Philippe Aghion
Mario Draghi, Governor Bank of Italy, and Bob Shiller
Ned Phelps, Nobel Prize winner 2006
Robert A. Mundell, Nobel prize 1999
Dinner in honor of Amartya Sen, AEA Meetings, Boston, January 2006
Amartya Sen and Kitty Galbraith, wife of John KennethGalbraith and mother of Jamie Galbraith, applauding a speaker
Amartya Sen’s Response to the tributes
Carl Kaysen (my teacher and mentor at Harvard in 1960-61)
Larry Summers’ Tribute
Groningen Netherlands Conference in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Angus Maddison, October 27, 2006
A blurry Bart van Ark talking about Angus and his accomplishments
Angus Maddison receives a lifetime achievement award from the Queen of Holland
Angus Maddison receives his award from another angle
Angus Maddison wearing his trademark tennis shoes during afternoon conference session
Angus Maddison’s speech after receiving the award
XVIII International Economic Seminar at Villa Mondragone, south of Rome, June 26-27, 2006
Dale Jorgenson in the buffet lunch line, with wife Linda right behind
Participants hiding in the shade to escape the 95-degree heat at lunch hour
Participants walk into the imposing villa past the catering truck
Waiting for the bus, Dominick Salvatore and Jean-Paul Fitoussi
Waiting for the bus, Ian Dew-Becker and RJG
Waiting for the return bus to Rome, Robert Inklaar and Ian Dew-Becker
NBER Summer Institute, CRIW Workshop, July 16, 2007
Carol Corrado and Bart van Ark
NBER Summer Institute, CRIW Workshop, July 18, 2007
Erik Brynjolfsson, Ian Dew Becker, and Carol Corrado
Brookings Panel Celebration of the Retirement of Bill Brainard and George Perry, September 6-7, 2007
Alan Greenspan and Greg Mankiw
Alan Greenspan, Greg Mankiw, Doug Elmendorf, Larry Summers
Alan Greenspan
Ben Friedman and Bob Hall
Ben Friedman, Bob Hall, Chris Sims
Bill Nordhaus, George Perry, Bill Brainard
Bob Hall
Bob Shiller
Bob Solow, Ian Dew-Becker, Ben Friedman
Bob Solow
Frank Levy
George Akerlof
Greg Mankiw
Ian Dew-Becker, Bob Hall
Larry Katz and Jim Poterba
Larry Summers
Marty Feldstein
Ned Phelps and Alan Krueger
Peter Diamond
Rick Mishkin
Dinner in honor of William J. Baumol, AEA Meetings, Chicago, January 2007
Cornell economist and NYT columnist Robert Frank and Richard Parker, biographer of Galbraith
Jeff Madrick, editor of Challenge
William J. Baumol
Session on Productivity Growth, AEA Meetings, Chicago, January 2007
Jack Triplett speaks while Erik Brynjolfsson (left) listens in the foreground
Australasian Econometric Society Meetings, Wellington NZ, July 9-11, 2008
Clive Granger
David Hendry
Rafael Repullo, Executive Vice President of ES
Torsten Persson, 2008 President of ES
Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, Washington, April 10-11, 2008
Alan Krueger, Gary Becker, and Ben McCallum
Alberto Alesina
Chad Jones
Daron Acemoglu and Helene Rey
Daron Acemoglu, Chris Sims, Ben Bernanke (dinner speaker), and Robert Barro
Daron Acemoglu, Helene Rey, and Ben Friedman
David Romer, Becky Blank, Daron Acemoglu, and Helene Rey
David Romer
Ed Glaeser
Gary Becker
George Perry, Bill Brainard, and Bill Nordhaus
Greg Mankiw and Larry Summers with Bill Gale behind
Greg Mankiw
Justin Wolfers
Niall Ferguson
Olivier Blanchard
Paul Krugman and Chris Sims
Paul Romer and Bob Hall
Robert Barro
Dinner to Celebrate Martin Feldstein’s 31 Years as President of NBER, Cambridge MA, July 24, 2008
Andrei Schleifer
Andrei Shleifer and Mike Woodford
Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s Lead Economic Adviser
Ben Friedman, Charlotte and Peter Temin
Bob Hall and Ben Friedman
Bob Hall
Caroline Hoxby
Doug Staiger, Jim Stock, and Bruce Meyer
Ed Lazear and Glenn Hubbard (present and past Chairs of Council of Economic Advisers)
Emmanuel Saez
Glenn Hubbard
Jacob Frenkel
Jacques Mairesse and Bron Hall
Jagdish Bhagwati
Jim Poterba, New President of NBER
Justin Wolfers
Kate and Marty Feldstein
Marty Feldstein, President of NBER, 1977-2009
Richard Freeman
RJG with Charlotte Temin
Room full of Feldstein admirers
Summers to Goolsbee, This is the way we did it in the Clinton Administration
Symposium on The Outlook for Future Productivity Growth, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, November 14, 2008
Hayne Leland (winner of the first Ross prize in finance) with RJG
John Fernald and Mary Daly
Symposium attendees. Head of table: Dale Jorgenson, Peter McGoldrick, Dan Sichel, John Williams
ASSA Meetings San Francisco, January 3-4, 2009
Allen Sinai
Bert Hickman
Gavin Wright
Jamie Galbraith
Jeff Madrick, editor of Challenge magazine
Kenneth Arrow (age 87)
Kenneth Arrow
Lawrence Klein (age 88)
Michael Boskin