Antiques, 1978-94 (33 photos)

Photos can be accessed by clicking on any of these four groups. Within each group, you can click on individual photos, or click your way through a progressive slide show allowing each of the photos within the group to be viewed in quick succession. Each photo is labelled with the location, the approximate date, and the name(s) of the person(s) in the photo.


Conferences (Minneapolis or Carnegie-Rochester), 1978

Clive Granger
Jacob Frenkel
Karl Brunner
Neil Wallace
Tom Sargent


Feldstein-NBER Conference, American Economy in Transition, Key Biscayne FL, January 1980

David Packard and Milton Friedman
Irving Kristol and Paul Samuelson
Milton Friedman and George Schultz


AEA Executive Committee Meeting, O’Hare Hilton, March 1981

Bob Lucas
Bob Solow
Elton Hinshaw and Bill Baumol
Zvi Griliches


Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, 1978-1981

Alan Blinder
Art Okun
Ben Friedman
Bill Nordhaus and Jeff Sachs
Bob Hall
Chris Sims
Franco Modigliani
George Perry, Bill Brainard, and Bruce McLaury
Larry Summers
Marty Feldstein and Bob Hall
Marty Feldstein
Rudi Dornbusch and Stan Fischer
Steve Goldfeld and Larry Klein


Milton Friedman with RJG
RJG with James Tobin


ASSA Meeting, circa 1984

Hank Houthakker, Roy Radner, Stan Reiter, Ned Phelps
Herb Scarf


Jackson Hole Fed Conference, August 1984

Ben McCallum
Bob Litterman and Bill Nordhaus
Jim Tobin and Alan Meltzer
Steve Goldfeld and Ben Friedman